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12 Fun (and Healthy) Gift Ideas

By Meagan Van Beest, Marketing and Member Services Manager

‘Tis the season for gift giving, so here are 12 suggestions for presents that will help your friends and family become or stay more active and healthy.

  1. Exercise class pass. From yoga and Zumba to aikido and cardio, if you really want to nudge a loved one into exercise buy them a pass, and then take the class with them.
  2. Cookbooks. Cooking from scratch can really cut the extra junk from your diet. Look for cookbooks that focus on your recipient’s favorite foods, but with a healthy slant.

    Cookbooks offer fun and healthy recipes.
  3. Olive oil and vinegar. These condiments make an easy, beautiful gift. Olive oil contains heart healthy monounsaturated fatty acids and quality vinegar adds flavor without extra calories.
  4. Kitchen gadgets. Crock pots, steamers, and juicers make meal prep easier. Include your favorite recipe to give a gift that’s healthy and personalized.
  5. Massage gift certificate. Life is stressful, so give the gift of relaxation. Massage has been shown to be effective for relieving sore muscles, along with managing the effects of depression.
  6. Winter sports equipment. Consider the sports your recipient likes, and then give them a gift to help them enjoy the sport. The present can be as simple as a pair of long underwear or as grand as a pair of skis.
  7. Indoor sports equipment. Jump ropes, yoga mats, kettle bells, and body bands are all inexpensive choices. Include a DVD of exercise instructions to make the gift a complete package.
  8. Spa gift basket. Look for a ready-made kit containing everything for a relaxing day at home or make your own with a collection of aromatherapy oils, facial scrubs, and lotions.

    Combine lotions, oils, and scrubs to make a spa gift basket.
  9. CSA share. Support your local farmers and help your gift recipient eat healthier. Community Supported Agriculture shares vary from farm to farm, but they all supply regular deliveries of fresh, seasonal produce (and sometimes meat and dairy).
  10. Fruit or veggie basket. While you can order gift baskets online or through a catalog, making your own could mean fresher foods. Fill a basket with your favorite produce and don’t forget to include local goods as much as possible.
  11. Reusable lunch containers. Encourage healthy eating by giving lunch bags or bento boxes. Include a healthy lunch cookbook and the recipient will be well on their way to eating a healthy midday meal.
  12. Food co-op or natural food store gift certificate. It’s easier to make healthier choices, if healthy products are more readily available. Food co-ops and natural food stores also usually carry health and wellness products.
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