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Spring Into Wellness – 5 Quick Tips

Spring is the perfect time to clean house, both literally and figuratively! If you’re feeling a bit sluggish coming out of a winter that seemed to last forever, here are some tips to rejuvenate your health.

  1. Get outside! – Spending time in the great outdoors, even if you only just sitting, can improve both your mental and physical healthy. In fact, one study found that spending at least 20 minutes outside can give you the same mental boost and energy as a cup of coffee.
  2. Detox your diet! – You can do a full-on detox or simply simplify your diet. (Interested in how to detox? Check out this How to Detox Your Body guide. Just remember to contact your wellness practitioner before making any changes.) If you just want to lighten up your diet, make room for lots of fresh spring veggies (such as greens, asparagus, and radishes) while also ditching heavier meals full of carbs and fat.
  3. Meditate – Studies estimate that we have up to 60,000 thoughts per day, that’s a lot of noise going on in our heads! Quiet your mind, reduce your stress, and improve your energy with daily mediation. New to mediating? Try this Beginner’s Guide to Mediation.
  4. Connect with loved ones. – While our electronic gadgets seem to keep us more connected than ever, they are no replacement for true, in-person connection. Studies show that feeling disconnected and lonely decreases our immune system response, so pick up the phone (or text) and invite friends over for a potluck or meet your sweetie for coffee.
  5. Simplify everything! – In today’s world, it seems like being “busy” is some sort of badge of honor. We fill our days with activities and work and home maintenance and, and, and! So, take some time to really examine how you spend your time and consider ways to make things simpler. Need help? These 25 East Ways to Simplify Your Life will get you started.
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